sábado, 23 de mayo de 2009

Only a life lived for others is worth living

What does it mean to live for others? And is it really worth it? It's difficult to answer these questions with certainty, we all talk from experience and some people say that we should only live for ourselves regardless of others since people will always try to get something out of us or other people might just say "L'infer ce sont les autes".
Living a life for others implies both suffering and enjoyment. It involves loving others knowing that some of them will not love you back or they just won't love you in the same level. But I have always thought that we should put our hearts out there, it is far better than living a life full of regrets.
Nowadays we do not live for others, we seek for instant gratification, we give a little in order to receive a lot. That is perhaps why individualism has surfaced, no one has the time to reach out and help. What a waste of life...
I've always tried to be there for everyone, though this got me into so much trouble in the past since I was often told that people just used me and that I never had any real friends, for a moment I believed this, but it was when I didn't have any friends that I learned how to be a friend...how ironic. 
My final recommendation. Live for others there is so much pleasure when you help and love someone that when you force people to help and love you. You might not get any recognition, reward or love. But I have always thought that with just one word of gratitude from one person, any person, your mission has been accomplished on this earth...